Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Third Day in Beautiful Monteverde

Monteverde is a beautiful area in the mountains with green hills and lots of open space.  We spent a wonderful morning yesterday at a farm called Life Monteverde where they grow coffee and have goats, chickens, pigs and huge gardens.  We learned a lot about sustainable, organic farming and planted some trees.  Tomorrow we'll go to the Cloud Forest and Thursday we have a Zip Line tour through the canopy.
Today we have time to use the internet and work on curriculum.  It's a good thing because I have all kinds of ideas swirling in my brain and I need to get them in writing.  For you teachers out there, last week was like the first week of the school year - so many new people to meet, names to learn and information overload.  Exciting and exhausting.   Now I'm used to the schedule and my Spanish is improving little by little, although never fast enough for me.  Below is a view from the yard of my new home in Monteverde:
Below is a photo of my new host family in Monteverde - my host Mom Virginia, her daughter and granddaughter.  She also has another daughter, Fabiola, who has a one year old daughter named April and she has a son Erich.  They weren't home when I took this photo.  I'm also posting a photo of their house from the outside.  The little building on the right of the house is where the rooster lives. The photo of the woman weaving was taken at the school where I'm learning Spanish.  I have class for four hours a day - during our break we watched some of the indigenous people weave and work with wood and heard them speak about their craft.
Other photos are of Life in Monteverde Farm.  It's difficult to capture how beautiful it all is but here you go:


  1. Wow! Great to see pictures of your host family house. You are having such amazing experiences. Imagine the application and writing material you'll have by the end.

    1. Spoken like a true Literacy Consultant! Yes, I'll come home with lots of great ideas and materials.

  2. Goats! Well, that makes the trip complete right there!!!
    Your host homes (and family members) have been lovely. So happy for you. Your brain must be HUGE! You'll have to be our guest lecturer in Anatomy when we discuss the Nervous System - you can share about all your new connections!
    p.s. I hope you bought a weaving product.

  3. Oh yes, I bought a couple of little purses that I plan on giving to the two women I'm living with when I leave in a few days.
    Is there some explanation for the fact that as I'm learning Spanish words I seem to be losing English words? Nervous System wise?

  4. Your new paths are intersecting! Beep, beep!
    Oh boy, today is ZIP LINE day. Can't wait to hear about that. (Just for the record, I do recognize what your main purpose is/was for this trip to Costa Rica - it's just that my brain tends to focus on the more nonliterary connections). You were in my dream last night. WEIRD. I'll tell you about it sometime (if I remember it).
