Saturday, June 29, 2013

Last Day in Monteverde

I've been enjoying all of the youngsters who come to visit their abuela, (grandma) my host Mom.  The two 11 year old girls go to a wonderful little school called the Cloud Forest School where all of their subjects are taught in English.  We visited the school yesterday and they are always looking for teachers if any of you are interested.  The school is in the middle of a beautiful forest and focuses on environmental sustainability and English.  The students work in a beautiful garden right "on campus"
and there are beautiful paths for nature walks.  Took photos with my phone which I can't post here right now but it's a sweet school.  There are some American students and many Costa Rican students on scholarships.  I've learned that in Costa Rica they teach English in the public schools but it's like Foreign Language in the U.S., if the students don't use it outside of class, they don't get very fluent.
In a town like Monteverde it's very important to speak fluent English since the tourist trade is so big so families do what they can to send their children to private schools where all subjects are taught in English.  Here's a photo of me and Ana getting ready to plant trees at Life Monteverde:  
I'm posting photos I took at a hummingbird garden where there were so many hummingbirds it was a bit reminiscent of Hitchcock.  The hummingbirds flew by so close to my head I could hear the buzzing of their wings.  I loved it.  Also posting the road leading to my house here, a photo of  the Farmers Market here this morning - a bit different from Meridian but I felt right at home, and a photo of a delicious salad I had for lunch today at a restaurant called Morphos - with painted butterflies everywhere.
Tomorrow morning we leave for Playa Flamingo and our last home stay.  It it's anywhere near as nice as my first two homestays I'll be happy.


  1. Amy, that lunch looks fantastic! I sent your comments about needing teacher to Kelly VanFrankenhuyzen, our young friend who was so unhappy in Tonga in the Peace Corps. She is now in AmeriCorps, in Montana and loving it. She has a teaching degree, just didn't like being inside so much here in this country. I thought she might be interested in the idea of teaching in Costa Rica. Her parents are dedicated to the idea of sustainability, so she has that ethic as well.
    Rose Williams' internment was lovely, with several All Sainters there to talk a bit about her and Ben.
    Off to get ready for the 8 o'clock service!
    love, Martha

    1. Hi Martha,
      I'm sure the Cloud Forest School would be interested in hiring Kelly - it sounds like a perfect match to me. If she googles the Cloud Forest School in Monteverde she should be able to find it. I think she would love it and so would her parents!

  2. Hi Amy: Turns out she knows someone at the school. Small world. She is going to send them her resume. love, Martha
